9th - 12th August 2020
Certified Industry 4.0 and IoT Advance Level Training
This workshop was organised by Malaysia Smart Industry Association (MSIA). Initially, there were 40 participants registered for the course. Finally, 21 participants were allocated the seat to attend this this training.
This training program is designed to provide advance level information on Industry 4.0 and IoT technology and expose the participants to technical knowhow on how to start the Industry 4.0 and IoT implementation.
This course is ideal for Software Developers, Engineers, Data Analysts, Big Data Professionals, IoT Enthusiasts, IoT Designers, IoT Developers, IoT Implementers, IT Managers, IT Auditors and anyone who is ready to master the steps required to IoT Implementation and anybody who wants to make a career in the field of Industry 4.0 and IoT.
Find the full report in this link